1. If you could choose a superpower, what would it be?
Teleportation! So, I can move anywhere needed and see my family; specially these days!
2. What is something about you that not many people know?
Not too sure! I am very open person!
3. Name your 4 ideal dinner party guests:
There are many famous people who I would love to see, but to be honest I would prefer to have a dinner with my mom, dad, sister and me! The ideal family diner like in childhood!
4. What did you want to be when you were growing up?
A teacher - Thank God I am not, with the remote learning - I know for sure, it’s not my cup of tea!
5. If you were not a Payroll Account Manager what would you be?
Translator interpreter! Love languages!
6. Who inspires you?
My parents – they are good example of kindness and optimism which never ends no matter what!
7. What is your favourite holiday destination?
I have few but I’d say Hong Kong & China were unforgettable! I would love to be back!
8. Do you have any strange talents?
Singing with my mouth closed!
9. What is your childhood nickname?
I didn’t have any!
10. Are you a spender or a saver (bear in mind you work in Accounting)?
For sure spender LOL! But I can still count how much I’ve spend & than what needs to be done to save if needed!
11. What 3 words would your close family use to describe you?
Honest, kind and bubbly
12. What is something you have done but will never do again?
Skating! I am brutal!
13. If you could change places with anybody for the day, who would it be?
Princess so I can help and make people feel different!
14. Name 2 things on your bucket list?
Refresh my French & go to Singapore!
15. What was the last thing you won?
Don’t remember! No Irish Luck!
16. Do you have any guilty pleasures?
Dance like nobody’s watching!
17. What chore do you hate doing the most?
18. What is your favourite flavour of Crisps?
Cheese & Onion
19. Name your 3 favourite smartphone apps:
WhatsApp, Netflix & Instagram
20. Who would play you in a movie about your life?
Jennifer Lopez! Someone told me that we look alike (I wish!)
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Icon Accounting, Columba House, Airside,
Swords, Co. Dublin, Ireland, K67 R2Y9