Since being founded in 2008, we have always valued and relied heavily on feedback from our clients and partners to improve our service offering. Why? That part is easy - to make life as an independent professional as simple and starightforward as it can possibly be!
In early 2021, we asked our clients to complete a survey that would help us to understand the mindset of an independent professional and how that may have altered since the Covid-19 pandemic hit in March 2020.
In last year’s survey, 51% of those surveyed felt that their routine working day had changed dramatically but despite this, 76% felt that they did not need to reconsider their Contracting career as a result.
In comparison to this year’s survey, the confidence in Contracting and the sector overall has increased with over 90% of our clients stating that they will look for another contract opportunity when their current contract ends.
In 2020, 77% of contracts were being worked remotely and this has expectedly increased to 82% in our most recent survey completed by clients.
Last year, 80% of our clients felt supported by the end term client that they were working for in 2020 - which was a good indicator of the value these companies put on the welfare and productivity of their independent professionals.
However, 20% of our clients did not feel adequately supported by their hiring client and to overcome this, we launched iPerks.
iPerks is an extension of the market leading contractor portal that gives all of our contractors access to lifestyle savings, over 4000 courses online to up-skill or cross-skill, as well as a bespoke wellness programme for both physical and mental wellbeing.
As collected in our latest survey, over 70% of our clients have accessed iPerks to date. If you are yet to do so or would like to find out more about iPerks, you can check out our explainer video here.
We also asked clients what their main motivating factor was when choosing a preferred partner for their contracting journey. There was a variety of reasons provided ranging from value and quality of information to reputation and recommendations.
Reputation was the standout with over 70% of clients outlining that this had an impact on their decision and ultimately was the deciding factor in choosing Icon Accounting.
As always, we would like to thank our clients for taking part in our Contractor Survey, we will continue to ensure that we are doing everything we can to introduce new features that will make our clients and partners lives’ easier. This would be impossible to do without the priceless feedback that is provided.
If you have an idea or some feedback for us, we would love to hear it!
Please get in touch with sean@iconaccounting.ie or call 01-8077106 for more information on how Icon Accounting can streamline your contract experience.
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Icon Accounting, Columba House, Airside,
Swords, Co. Dublin, Ireland, K67 R2Y9