

Want to learn more about the world of Contracting or Icon Accounting? Feel free to browse through our different Blog articles and get answers to the questions you need.

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Contracting versus Permanent Employment - What are the differences?

Contracting info

We speak to many first time candidates on the differences between Contracting and working in 'full-time' employment. We're also aware that thanks to our people and our technology, the transition is almost too seamless to notice much of a difference. This blog piece looks at the benefits of returning to work as an Independent Professional and highlights the key differences between the two.

20 Questions with Ana Carolina!

Icon News

Next on our list, we caught up with the very popular Ana Carolina from our Umbrella Team to ask her 20 of your favourite questions! We would love a seat at that dinner party if there is any more room Ana...

The Big Independent Professional Survey - Results

Icon News, Contracting info

We recently asked our clients to take part in our Big Independent Professional Survey. With over 480 respondents, we are incredibly grateful to all those that took the time to have their say! Keep an eye on our social channels over the coming weeks for industry specific results!

Increasing your Take-Home Pay as a Contractor

Contracting info, Expenses, Budget

In this piece, Sean Piggott from our Business Development team discusses the tried and tested approaches our clients have used that helped them secure a higher take home pay as an Independent Professional Contractor.

Why do people start, and stay contracting?

Contracting info

The results of our 2022 client survey showed that more than 90% of our clients planned to continue working as a contractor, up from 76% in 2020. This blog piece investigates why professionals are moving away from traditional employment to contracting and the main reasons that the majority of those that do move, decide to stay!

Tax Credits - What are they and what should I know?

Contracting info

In this blog piece, we give you insight in to tax credits, how they are allocated and the other important factors that you should consider.

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