Fancy Reducing your Income Tax Liability?
Contracting info, Expenses
Here is how you can reduce the amount of Income Tax that you pay!
Contracting info, Expenses
Here is how you can reduce the amount of Income Tax that you pay!
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Robert Whelan joins us to announce the launch of the new umbrella plan, designed by and for Icon Accounting clients.
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Crypto - Here's what you should know about the taxation in Ireland and how your personal circumstances may determine an additional layer of tax!
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Many of our clients are new to Contracting, but with thanks to our long-term clients, you have access to some tips and hints from the experts!
Icon News
Zac Effron or Jimmy Neutron, either or really Sean...
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SURE is a tax relief that provides a refund of income tax that you have paid in previous years. There are a number of caveats which we explore below.
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