What is the Tax Saver Commuter Ticket Scheme?
The Tax Saver Commuter Ticket Scheme is as an incentive for workers to use public transport. You can avail of public transport commuter tickets if you are travelling for work by public transport bus, rail or LUAS.
Can I order the tax saver ticket through my umbrella company?
Yes – Icon Accounting can arrange a tax saver ticket for you. Once he ticket has been ordered, we will process the cost of the ticket where you receive the tax relief.
Can I order a tax saver ticket for my limited company?
Yes – You first need to register for a Taxsaver account and when you receive your account number you are ready to order. Once you have registered your company details and received your log on and pass word then you are ready to order Tax saver tickets.
What kind of savings can I expect on my commuter expenses?
Savings vary depending on the type of ticket you choose and on your income band. You can contact your payroll account manager in Icon Accounting to see how much you can save.
Can I buy a monthly or annual ticket and then claim the tax back from the Revenue Commissioners?
No, all Tax Saver monthly and annual tickets must be purchased by the company on behalf of the employee as per Revenue guidelines.
Are there any fixed dates on which tickets are valid?
Monthly tickets are valid for one calendar month, while annual tickets are valid for one year commencing from the first day of any month.
Where can i find information?
You can find more information and lists of the annual and monthly commuter tickets available on the following websites:
- Dublin Bus – provides ticket prices for bus, bus and rail including Dart, and bus and Luas
- Irish Rail – provides ticket prices for rail, rail and bus, and rail and Luas
- Bus Éireann – provides ticket prices for buses to Dublin and Cork
- Luas – provides ticket prices for Luas
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Icon Accounting, Columba House, Airside,
Swords, Co. Dublin, Ireland, K67 R2Y9