Overall, the survey shows a really encouraging level of commitment to contracting. Although 17% of people said they’d lost some work due to the pandemic and 51% said their working day had changed dramatically, 76% of people said the coronavirus crisis hasn’t actually forced them to reconsider how long they’ll work as a contractor.
77% of contractors are now working from home due to the COVID-19 situation but despite that, 80% feel supported by the company they’re working for - which is a good indicator of the value these companies put on the welfare and productivity of their independent professionals.
A significant number of people (62%) said they feel the government’s strategy in dealing with economic fallout from the Coronavirus outbreak does address their needs as a professional contractor. Of course we were thrilled to see 99% of people expressing satisfaction with the support and communication they’ve been receiving from our team at Icon - we’ll keep chasing that final 1%!
The Icon Accounting team is confident that the coming months will prove to be a great time to be a contractor in Ireland. The workplace of the future is still being shaped and developed, and knowing the remote working flexibility and resilience of Ireland’s contractor community, we’re sure the sector is well-placed to be at the forefront of that transformation.
To request a copy of the full survey contact sean@iconaccounting.ie
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Icon Accounting, Columba House, Airside,
Swords, Co. Dublin, Ireland, K67 R2Y9