Contracting has become increasing popular over the past number of years as it provides greater flexibility for both the contractor and the client. That said, contracting still remains unchartered territory for many as the ‘stability’ of being a permanent employee in the traditional sense, can seem to provide a clear pathway for career progression. Rather than being reliant on the ‘employer’ providing stability, contracting can provide an alternative approach and gives professionals more control and a better work / life balance. Also, as we grow and develop in our career and personal lives, some would naturally seek out alternative ways in which they work to ensure that they are working in the best possible way to achieve what they want in all aspects of their lives. This is also when many begin to consider becoming a contractor as it may be the best way to ensuring the ideal work / life balance. Below are some factors to consider if you are contemplating becoming a contractor in order to achieve a better work / life balance: Benefits to Contracting:
- Attractive rates of pay
- Ability to gain experience on a variety of projects in different locations, sectors and organisations which in turn can lead to commanding higher rates of pay
- Facilitates continuous development of skills which can help in keeping your skill set current and increasing your marketability
- Provides you with the opportunity to claim tax relief on business expenses
- Creates greater personal control of who, where and when you wish to work
For a real time compassion for what you can earn as a Contractor, visit our Tax Calculator: https://www.iconaccounting.ie/tax-calculator/
If you wish to learn more on the on all aspects of contracting, please contact us:
Tel: 01-8077106 or Email: Info@iconaccounting.ie
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