P60 and P45 documents for the year 2019 have been replaced by Employment Detail Summary i.e. Employers will not be required to send P60 and P45 documents anymore, instead Employment Detail summary will be available to view and download on your myAccount.
This summary replaces the P60 and P45 and shows pay and statutory deductions for the year as reported by employers or pension providers. Employment Detail Summary can be used in the same way as P60 and P45 were used previously (it can be provided to 3rd party as proof of income)
There is an information video provided by revenue which shows how to access your pay and tax details on myAccount.
Preliminary End of Year Statement
Preliminary End of Year Statement and Statement of Liability will be available to view to Employees from mid – January 2020.
This statement is based on the income and statutory deductions reported by employers or pension provider. This will indicate if correct amount of tax has been paid for each year.
Statement of Liability
For 2019 and subsequent years, PAYE Employees will need to complete an Income Tax Return (Form 12) if they are willing to obtain a final Statement of Liability (Formerly P21). PAYE employees must complete an Income Tax Return to:
- claim additional tax credits, reliefs or expenses
- declare additional income
- obtain a Statement of Liability for the year
- claim refunds of any tax or USC overpaid
- confirm any liability of any tax or USC underpaid.
For Directors the normal Form 11 Income Tax Return reporting obligations remain the same.
The quickest and easiest way to complete an Income Tax Return is through PAYE Services in myAccount by following the below steps,
- sign in to myAccount
- select 'Review your tax' link in PAYE Services
- request a Statement of Liability for the appropriate year
- select 'Complete your Income Tax Return'.
Once completed, you can expect to view statement of Liability within 5 working days by accessing My Documents within myAccount.
Time limits for a review
Statement of Liability requests and Income Tax Return submissions must be made within four years after the end of the tax year to which the claim relates. You may currently request a Statement of Liability or submit an Income Tax Return for the years 2016 to 2019.
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Icon Accounting, Columba House, Airside,
Swords, Co. Dublin, Ireland, K67 R2Y9