Rugby World Cup Competition

Exclusive to clients of Icon Accounting

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To Celebrate the upcoming Rugby World Cup, we are offering  our CONTRACTOR COMMUNITY a chance to win some great prizes in our Prediction Competition.

All you need to do is predict 1st and 2nd in each group in order. Predict the winners of each quarter final, semi final, 3rd place Play off and finally the Winners - It's EASY! The tie breaker in event of a draw will be

How many tries will be scored in this Rugby World Cup?

Prizes are
  1. Flights, Hotel and 2 tickets for Ireland v France on March 14th 2020
  2. Pair of tickets to Ireland v Italy in 6 Nations in March 7th in Aviva Stadium
  3. Ireland & Provincial Rugby Jersey & Rugby Ball

Plus 3 x €100 Me2You Gift vouchers


In order to enter the event download the Excel spreadsheet below and fill in all shaded areas (Don't forget to answer the TIE-BREAKER), return to by Thursday at 8pm

Best of Luck to everyone.


Gerard Kiernan

Gerard Kiernan


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Icon Accounting, Columba House, Airside,
Swords, Co. Dublin, Ireland, K67 R2Y9
+353 1 8077106