Many are using their eagerly replaced commute time with exercise, learning a new skill, or even spending more time with family. Having said that, the measures in place to help prevent the spread of Covid-19 have not been as enjoyable or adaptable for others. The presence of social media almost implies pressure that we should be learning a new language, making children child prodigies all whilst striving for cleaner and leaner version of yourself, not to mention performing to the required and expected standards of your role, from your new ‘temporary’ office.
In order to perform at our best, we need to be at our best. In most cases, this can be achieved by taking some time to prioritise time for yourself. This is more important now than ever before, with workers finding it difficult to switch off after working hours.
Many homes have lost a room to a make-shift office, and others are not fortunate enough to have that additional space. Working from home and remaining disciplined with your schedule is imperative for mental health. It may be easier than ever to persuade yourself to respond to that one last email or to get something finished, but as the saying goes, burning a candle from both ends more often than not, results in a dark room.
According to the Irish Times, Google have recently notified their workforce that they will have a day off on May 22nd in an attempt to prevent burnout caused by working from home.
Here we have outlined some useful tools that can help to keep your mind healthy and happy in these times of uncertainty and also some tips on how to remove yourself from your virtual office and return to home, spiritually and mentally.
This buzz word has become something of a phenomenon over the last number of years, but the proof is in the pudding. We strongly recommend The Mindfulness App which has a mixture of free and in-app purchase meditations. Designed to help you stay focused on the present and on your breathing rather than what is on your to do list, at least not yet.
Supporting your local business’ and as importantly, some time away from the kitchen:
This list by the Gastro Gays is not to be missed, there is a great guide on quality meal deliveries from local restaurants. There are home cooking kits, as well as a selection of all the local producers across the country who are providing a fantastic pre-pay and delivery service.
Fresh Air:
There is nothing like getting some fresh air to clear your mind and set you up for the day. The study has been proven and endless amount of times, just do it!
Brain Training:
A simple way to take the pressure off but also get a sense of personal development through all of this, is through Brian Training Apps. We really enjoy PEAK, a brain training app that you can use to brush up on mental agility and memory training through really quick and simple games. Again, the app contains a mixture of free and paid content.
Do Not Disturb:
Last but nowhere near least important, most phones have a do not disturb mode. This can be adjusted to whichever hours suit your daily schedule, whether it be 9pm to 9am or 1pm to 2pm. Give your time to focus solely on switching off whether it is on your lunchbreak, before work or after work.
Commit to taking some time for yourself. It will boost productivity and equally as important, it will keep you healthy.
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