Take advantage of tax relief for training course as a day-to-day business expense.
Allowable Training Courses
Tax relief claimed on training courses which are required for a specific contract.
All training courses must be carried out within the timeframe of the contract and demonstrated as a direct requirement for the contract.
Should you wish to undertake a training course and can show that it is relevant for your contract you will be able to claim tax relief at up to 52% through your limited company.
Supporting Information Required:
Receipts must be made out in name of the Limited Company & completed the pre-approval form submitted.
In the event of a Revenue enquiry you must be able to show how the course was a relevant business expense for your limited company.
Non-Allowable Training
Long term educational courses including Diploma/ Degree/Masters.
Courses which exceed the duration of an assigned contract.
Personal Educational or Training courses that are not related to your line of work.
Other Courses
Certain education courses may be claimed through your personal tax return as a tax credit at 20%
Should you requrie more information please don't hesitate to get in touch by email at info@iconaccounting.ie or call 01 8077106.
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Icon Accounting, Columba House, Airside,
Swords, Co. Dublin, Ireland, K67 R2Y9