EU Contracting

EU Contracting

Relocating to Ireland for a new Contract? Fear not, with Icon we are here to assist and guide you through the entire process so that you are fully aware and briefed of what is required so that the entire process as hassle free as possible.

First time Contracting in Ireland

Irish PPS Number 

A Personal Public Service Number (PPS Number) is a unique reference number that helps you access social welfare benefits and public services. It is imperative to hold a PPS Number in order to process your payroll through the Irish PAYE system.

The Department of Social Protection can provide you with a PPS Number once you arrive in Ireland.  However, prior to your arrival, you will need to book an appointment at your nearest Social Welfare Office so you can apply for your PPS Number.

To arrange this appointment, please log on to 

Once your PPS number is issued you must register an online Revenue Account.


Accommodation in Ireland 

Below are some of the most popular rental websites for securing accommodation in Ireland

*If you are relocating for your Contract you can claim tax relief on the first 3 months accommodation costs.


Irish Tax System 

The Irish tax year runs from 1 January to 31 December.

From January 2019 PAYE Modernisation is the new method in which reporting pay, tax and other deductions must be submitted to Revenue by a new real time reporting regime.

PAYE Modernisation abolishes the reporting obligations for P30s, P45s, P46s, P35s and the generation of P60s.

From January 2019, Revenue require everyone to hold an online Revenue Account. To set up your account simply follow the link


Tax Bands  

Tax Band
Single/Widowed Person or First €44,000 @ 20%
Surviving Civil Partner Balance @ 40%
Qualifying for the Single Person First €48,000 @ 20%
Child Carer Tax Credit Balance @ 40%
Married Couple or First €53,000 @ 20%
Civil Partnership One Income Balance @ 40%
Married Couple or €44,000 @ 20%
Civil Partnership Two Incomes Balance @ 40%


Tax credit 2025
Single person €2,000
Married person or civil partner €4,000
Employee Tax Credit (formerly known as the PAYE tax credit) €2,000
Earned Income tax credit €2,000
Widowed person or surviving civil partner qualifying for Single Person Child Carer Credit €2,000
Widowed person or surviving civil partner (without dependent children) €2,540
Widowed Person or Surviving Civil Partner in year of bereavement €4,000
Single Person Child Carer Credit €1,900
Incapacitated Child Credit €3,800
Blind Tax Credit  
Single person €1,950
Married - one spouse or civil partner blind €1,950
Married - both spouses or civil partners blind €3,900
Widowed person or surviving civil partner with dependent child tax credit  
Bereaved in 2024 €3,600
Bereaved in 2023 €3,150
Bereaved in 2022 €2,700
Bereaved in 2021 €2,250
Bereaved in 2020 €1,800
Bereaved in 2018 n/a
Age tax credit  
Single, widowed or a surviving civil partner €245
Married or in a civil partnership €490
Dependent relative tax credit €305
Home carer tax credit €1,950


Tax Credit for Renters A new tax credit will be introduced for taxpayers who are paying rent on their principal private residence. The credit will be available for 2024 and subsequent years of assessment. It will be valued at up to €1,000 per year and will only be available to taxpayers who are not in receipt of any other housing supports.
Further information on the eligibility criteria for this credit and the process by which it may be claimed will be provided on on publication of the Finance Bill.


Opening an Irish Bank Account

If you wish to open an Irish Bank Account, you will typically require:

  • A current valid passport or driving licence
  • A recent household bill such as a telephone, electricity or gas bill
  • If non-resident, you may be required to provide a character reference and financial history from your own bank.
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Icon Accounting, Columba House, Airside,
Swords, Co. Dublin, Ireland, K67 R2Y9
+353 1 8077106